Ludum Dare 32 ended on the 17th of April. I did compete and coded up a storm over the weekend. It was a huge amount of fun and I am very glad to have taken part. I haven't been doing much programming recently; stress and anxiety making me dysfunctional. And it slipped my mind to post a link to my entry here.
A little god game called Nature's Assault:
More details are on the Ludum Dare submission page along with links to play it and see the source code.
One of my favourite parts of this event was getting to use Java to make a proper windowed program. It may be because I have spent nearly all my life using computers with Windows on them but the windowed interface with buttons and re-sizable windows will always feel nice to me :3
Happily I was able to implement proper gameplay along with the fun algorithms. It meant that people actually tried playing it. I got a lot of feedback on it and want to spend time improving it. I will now have time to do so now.
It is silly how delayed me posting this was, still its good to get something online so that I can get into good habits. Worst case scenario I'll be posting some old programming projects next Friday.
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