Saturday, 23 April 2016

Just Bloggin'

Bit of a humdrum week here. Got started on an entry for Ludum Dare last weekend; created a sound system and a particle system. Both neat things to add to future projects. Couldn't really get into creating a game there and then. The theme: Shapeshift was neat and I saw some people create some really nice games with it, I just didn't have the energy and motivation to work on all the other parts of a game once I finished the engine :/

I miss being able to work in a group on a programming project and let people work to their strengths. I love getting stuck into low level code but am not that enthused with asset creation. Hence the whole fascination with procedural content generation :P I suppose I'll have to look for a group of like-minded individuals to work with for better luck in the future.

Pictured, faaar too many particles to be able to run efficiently in anyone's browser. Quite pretty tho'

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